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The Cartridge Achievements is a system for games to reward players for completing achievements.

Key Features

  • Packages: Games can define achievements thanks to the provided packages.
  • Rewards: Games can reward players with Cartridge points for completing achievements.
  • Profile: Players can view their achievements and scores whitout leaving the game.

Benefits for Game Developers

  • Simplicity: Easy integration with existing Starknet smart contracts and Dojo.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Achievements are events based, no additional storage is required.
  • Performance (coming soon): Plugin attached to Torii to improve the performances of the achievements computation.

How It Works?

For detailed implementation and usage, refer to the GitHub repository.


The game world describes the achievements and the corresponding tasks to unlock them. Each achievement is defined by (not exhaustive) a unique identifier, a title, a description and a set of tasks. Each task is defined by an identifier, a total and a description. The completion of a task is done when enough progression has been made by a player regarding a specific task. The achievement is completed when all included tasks are completed.


The progression of each individual task is done by the game by emitting events associated to a task and a player. Each progression provides a counter to add to the player progression. A task completion is the sum of all the progression events emitted for a specific task (defined by the identifier).


The status of the achievement is computed off-chain by the controller, it starts when the controller is initialized on the client.